Assessment practice and the impact of pedagogical achievement results for secondary education teachers
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Our article addresses assessment in the context of the teaching and learning process, its importance, and brings the results of some secondary school teachers in relation to the work they have done, whether the results obtained are not overwhelming than the procedures have taken, will the assessments have the characteristic of obtaining classification with a specific purpose of results of progression to a next class or failure.
We sought to find out about this through observation techniques of some assessments and interviews carried out with teachers, we carried out a bibliographical review with content that deals with the topic in question, which is assessment.
It should be noted that data collection was carried out in a secondary school in the city of Maputo, in the Kampfumu district.
The technique used was an interview, carried out with five teachers who teach different levels and subjects such as: Geography, Physics and Biology. In this article we intend to address the evaluation of the impact component of the results obtained.
Keyword - Assessment practice; results; utilization; pedagogical.
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