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Claudio Luiz Chiusoli
Alyne Rithiely Araujo Bileski
Beatriz Henrique de Melo


Technological advances have created a variety of tools for companies to maintain direct relationships with consumers. And, in turn, social networks have given companies a new way of quickly and accurately publicizing their brands and the services they offer, becoming a means of communication, especially for younger audiences, where disclosure can influence decision-making. purchase. Thus, this article aims to analyze the influence of social networks in relation to the behavior and attitude of academics in a personal, professional and academic context. The theoretical framework addressed was about consumer behavior, digital marketing and social networks. As methodological procedures, the sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience with 100 academics from three courses at a public university. The main findings are that among the students surveyed, 97% use social networks to obtain information and news, 84% use social networks for academic and professional purposes, 81% use social networks to see products, promotions, sales and exchange sites, 65% use social networks as a form of marketing that influences my purchase decision, 74% use social networks to maintain relationships with friends and family, 24% use social networks to buy when they see publications by digital influencers, 19% use whatsapp as one of the channels they use most for shopping and 13% have Facebook as one of the channels they use most for shopping. Therefore, the study suggests that social networks have the ability to influence purchasing decisions in the digital environment for this group of investigated students.

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How to Cite
CHIUSOLI, C. L.; ARAUJO BILESKI , A. R.; HENRIQUE DE MELO , B. REDES SOCIAIS: INFLUÊNCIA JUNTO AO UNIVERSITÁRIO NO COMPORTAMENTO PESSOAL, PROFISSIONAL E ACADEMICO. Revista Eletrônica Multidisciplinar de Investigação Científica, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.56166/remici.2023.2.v2n1.7.8. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 nov. 2024.


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